"The Price Of Freedom...
... is eternal vigilance." - Thomas Jefferson
Just wondering if the television has become such a household fixture to keep the masses compliant?
I see all these people discussing the next idol champion and who bit it on survivor and not too many of them wondering whats going on in the halls and chambers of our parliaments. (US, Can., et all) Have we been convinced that we lack the intelligence? education? interest? ability to change the things we feel need it? We know more about Paris Hiltons jail time then we do the spring sitting of parliament. Too sad.
There are so many books that discuss this, Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 comes to mind and of course '1984'. Two simple illustrations that show how we can create this fantasy of "knowing" what is going on a round us while truly having no clue. It seems so much simpler to look no further then the 6:00 news or in my case CBC radio. When the fictional characters we see on screen become important to our sense of well being what does that say about our lives?
On the flip side how much attention does the course of our civilization need from our multiplying masses? It matters not. For those who will pay attention and act will be the ones who affect our course assuming they have the money, connections, or the right ear in which to speak. Whether it be few or many. Perhaps I had better read what came fore and aft of Tommy's little quote above. Gain some insight from those of better vocabularies. But what would happen if we all made it part of our lives to know what is going on and took an active part in creating our future.
Had a chat with someone recently who believes the 'global warming' scare is being blown totally out of proportion on purpose. So that those types who need to rally for a cause have one that is far enough removed from what the powers-that-be are doing, it seems a good distraction for them.
Why the hell are we... whoops sorry... Why the hell isn't our government stepping up to the plate for Darfur now that there is a NATO sanctioned bluehelmet peace force needed. That is what we do best. Or so I continually hear about our Canadian troops. Why would we not want to help end a genocide? I mean what the fuuu? Hello Steven grow some balls and stop and think as an independent country. We may be a mouse sleeping next an elephant but we don't need to suck it's teet to survive. Middle power nation does not imply no power.
Could we require our Government officials to sit through some of those classes that school children are taking that help them learn how to deal with bullies effectively? Please? I'd risk a fat lip for a backbone capable of standing up straight and independent. The sad fate of the world when your countries only hope for salvation is dependent on your Oil or other resources the 'helping' forces might claim during and after the war.
I am all for pacifism (see: Buffy Saint Marie - Universal Soldier) but I want my ass covered in case of an emergency. I used to hold the opinion that any gun was a bad gun, that opinion is evolving. While I don't support hte militarization of the populous I do think it wise they should have the ability and right to bare arms. THats just from my short look into the history of peasant life and the laws implied/written/or circumstances that kept peasants free from personal armament. I think it changes a societies expectations and attitudes towards other nations and their own governments if they feel wholly dependent on the ruling powers to protect them and their family. Though I have no idea what a farmer with a rifle would do against an insergent army. Pray I suppose if she/he are so inclined. But I think that we need to have the ability to defend ourselves.
Anyway back to our 'eternal vigilance' I think the real problem is we who haven't put much effort into it really have no idea where to start when we finally realize or decide we should be devoting some time to these things. If you don't know were to start you could become easily frustrated and quit, or misled, and/or disillusioned. With all the information out there it can be hard to keep your eye on what really matters to you -it can be hard to even decide what matters to you in the first place.
Where does one start?
Just wondering if the television has become such a household fixture to keep the masses compliant?
I see all these people discussing the next idol champion and who bit it on survivor and not too many of them wondering whats going on in the halls and chambers of our parliaments. (US, Can., et all) Have we been convinced that we lack the intelligence? education? interest? ability to change the things we feel need it? We know more about Paris Hiltons jail time then we do the spring sitting of parliament. Too sad.
There are so many books that discuss this, Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 comes to mind and of course '1984'. Two simple illustrations that show how we can create this fantasy of "knowing" what is going on a round us while truly having no clue. It seems so much simpler to look no further then the 6:00 news or in my case CBC radio. When the fictional characters we see on screen become important to our sense of well being what does that say about our lives?
On the flip side how much attention does the course of our civilization need from our multiplying masses? It matters not. For those who will pay attention and act will be the ones who affect our course assuming they have the money, connections, or the right ear in which to speak. Whether it be few or many. Perhaps I had better read what came fore and aft of Tommy's little quote above. Gain some insight from those of better vocabularies. But what would happen if we all made it part of our lives to know what is going on and took an active part in creating our future.
Had a chat with someone recently who believes the 'global warming' scare is being blown totally out of proportion on purpose. So that those types who need to rally for a cause have one that is far enough removed from what the powers-that-be are doing, it seems a good distraction for them.
Why the hell are we... whoops sorry... Why the hell isn't our government stepping up to the plate for Darfur now that there is a NATO sanctioned bluehelmet peace force needed. That is what we do best. Or so I continually hear about our Canadian troops. Why would we not want to help end a genocide? I mean what the fuuu? Hello Steven grow some balls and stop and think as an independent country. We may be a mouse sleeping next an elephant but we don't need to suck it's teet to survive. Middle power nation does not imply no power.
Could we require our Government officials to sit through some of those classes that school children are taking that help them learn how to deal with bullies effectively? Please? I'd risk a fat lip for a backbone capable of standing up straight and independent. The sad fate of the world when your countries only hope for salvation is dependent on your Oil or other resources the 'helping' forces might claim during and after the war.
I am all for pacifism (see: Buffy Saint Marie - Universal Soldier) but I want my ass covered in case of an emergency. I used to hold the opinion that any gun was a bad gun, that opinion is evolving. While I don't support hte militarization of the populous I do think it wise they should have the ability and right to bare arms. THats just from my short look into the history of peasant life and the laws implied/written/or circumstances that kept peasants free from personal armament. I think it changes a societies expectations and attitudes towards other nations and their own governments if they feel wholly dependent on the ruling powers to protect them and their family. Though I have no idea what a farmer with a rifle would do against an insergent army. Pray I suppose if she/he are so inclined. But I think that we need to have the ability to defend ourselves.
Anyway back to our 'eternal vigilance' I think the real problem is we who haven't put much effort into it really have no idea where to start when we finally realize or decide we should be devoting some time to these things. If you don't know were to start you could become easily frustrated and quit, or misled, and/or disillusioned. With all the information out there it can be hard to keep your eye on what really matters to you -it can be hard to even decide what matters to you in the first place.
Where does one start?
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