Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Checklist

Why is all the home education material I like Ultra conservative christian? I am so tired of finding an interesting product only to be stymied by the creationist world view. I would like a comprehensive history of the world that goes through human history without chapters containing biblical characters who may or may not have been alive during that time period. One that doesn't claim the earth is 6000-10,000 years old. One that doesn't claim that people 'really' did live to be 900 years old. It just grinds my gears. Can I learn about human history without having to do it through fundamentalist colored glasses? Please?

We have studied many different religions I expect reffrence's to religions when studying history because it is part of our history. I just don't like it in my sons math text and I don't like it putting a one sided dogmatic view on topics that are multifaceted. If a persons product is intended for a specific group of people I can understand that, fine go for it. I am just tired of the seeming exclusion of secular world views in home education materials. I suppose I'm as frustrated by the constant need to look over products to see what particular world view they support as the people who make the products I'm so frustrated with are at having to do exactly the same thing. The battle to keep God in the hearts of their children is far more difficult then my irritation when looking to find good childrens history products. I'm not mad or angry it's just a little pet peeve of mine. We need people of all shapes, styles, and belief's or the world would become unbearably boring.


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