Friday, June 30, 2006

"Hey Baby What's your sign?"

All righty then... I am Libra. Or am I? This is one of those subjects that seems to depend on the author. I have slipped between "What a load of rubbish." to "Holly sh… cow that's me." The link above is fairly accurate. Yes I am attractive and graceful and charming (my husband is very wisely nodding his head) he he he. I am also flirtatious, self-indulgent, and impatient of routine. I don’t like being boxed in by labels or self limiting behavior so I strongly dislike the idea of others or myself making assumptions based on silly things like my hair, how I speak, or the time I was born. There fore I have avoided any deep study or considerations in this regard.

I have never been trustful of those daily horoscopes one reads in syndications. They remind me of biblical interpretations. One person will read the same thing as another, both can have completely different interpretations of what they saw. The impersonal one size fits all can't be right, even for the majority it's just not logically possible. I also don't believe in predicting the future. People are too changeable to lump large groups of the population too closely together. (I heard one recent prediction that this would be a big year for hurricanes and low and behold they won the Stanley cup)

So lacking any real tangible value in my life for astrology I have left any sort of astrologic thought on the back burner. Still the skeptic and disliker of dogmatic practices (organized religion) I have been drawn to this time and time again. Most recently by an intriguing sort of woman I had a long chat with about relationships, children in particular, and how astrology can be helpful in the interpersonal relationships. I’m not immersed in any other absorbing topics at the moment so I might just explore this idea of the celestial influences on my life personally. Maybe it will explain a few things or help us feed the souls of those we love. I am never sure how far is too far to go with friends and showing affection and I’m not the bubbly sort to jump and shout and get very excited about too much. I used to be much freer in with hugs and kisses and such I wonder where that went? Is reserved a Libra trait? Or am I just getting old?

I wll be interested to see if I make up my mind on the subject.


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