Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Solar Cooking Archive

The Solar Cooking Archive

We are working on some of the grade four curriculum on solar cooking and I came across this website. Makes me spitting MAD (not the website but the ideas that came to mind, I really think this is a valuable website).

Is it really so SOOOO incredibly hard for the powers that be to want people to live happy healthy lives?? Why is it 'they' want to keep the poor -people/countries- poor so badly? What can possible motivate people to want others to fail? I suppose I shouldn't focus on poverty so much as an inability to succeed or feed ones self and family nutritious food and clean water. I know that poverty does not lead to life in refugee camps you can have a very comfortable life and still end up in a refugee camp. War and natural disasters lead to life in refugee camps. Anyway this website completely demonstrates why our western governments/corporations don't want us using solar power right now. The fear of a truly independent people must be staggering to them. I mean my goodness "Not To Be Needed?" that is the worst feeling any parent can have. For the controlling "my house my rules" types of governments and the corporations trying to slave us out for profit...

Makes me want to get off the grid sooner rather then latter.


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