Wednesday, April 18, 2007

More thoughts on moving

I keep see-sawing on my decision regarding moving the family. I would love to be by the ocean, in the woods, it would be an exciting new experience. I just have difficulty adjusting to the thought of not living here anymore. I really like having so many friends. I really like it that my children can be close to their grand parents and other family members. All those life long relationships that can be so important. Then there is the limited health of my mom that keeps me wanting to stay close.It seems to be my time to take care of her or at least more active in her care.

On the other side of the coin. I would so love to live by the sea. I would so love to live in the old woods. Are these just the romantic leanings of my own heart? Yes of course. BUT we all need to listen to our hearts. We need to consider with our heads to though. Head says stay. You have a secure life here. You have great support here. The children have a million opportunities here, they have the option to develop life long friendships. Yada Yada yada the list goes on. Perhaps what I'm wrestling with is not where to live but the fact that I have developed a territorial nesting site and I am loath to move far a field. I know the territory and terrain I have my power centers and communities set up. I have some interesting people or I suppose people 'I' find interesting (my favorite kind).

Am I really wanting to start over with the process of creating a community just for better scenery? That is the question.


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